McCain will be in Nashville Saturday morning for a 10:45 AM rally at MBA.
January 29, 2008
McCain wins the GOP nomination
McCain will be in Nashville Saturday morning for a 10:45 AM rally at MBA.
January 28, 2008
70 rounds of applause in 53 minutes!
I was disappointed to see the Democrats took such a partisan stance by sitting on their butts when the president called upon the Congress to pass important legislation to defend ourselves against terrorism. What kind of message does that send to the terrorists and to the rest of teh world?
A Drunken Sailor
January 27, 2008
Credit where it is due
and her soundbite of the week:
The idea of Bill Clinton back in the White House with nothing to do is something I just can't imagine. I think we want to have a president, not a team of husband and wife thinking that they're going to run the country. -- Gov. Mitt Romney, at NBC's Republican debate. |
Who can do more?
The truth about abortion
It's time to tell the truth and stop burying our heads in the sand concerning abortion. We as a nation must protect the most vulnerable among us, the unborn. If we do not, we are no better than all the other morally corrupt nations and civilizations that have allowed mass genocide of the perceived undesirable or unwanted.
The State Senate will have the second reading of SJR127 as amended Monday night at 5 PM followed by the third reading and voting on Wednesday morning.
January 24, 2008
Rambo or Walker Texas Ranger?
After seeing the lastest poll results for Tennessee, it seems that John McCain could use some help from Rambo.
But, who would you prefer to have your back? Rambo or Walker Texas Ranger? Personally, I wouldn't want to take on either one.
Latest Poll: Obama slips to third after Hillary, Undecideds
So, if Fred stayed in, would he have even won Tennessee?
Alcoholics, thieves or adulterers?
More: Briley apologizes for behavior
Who do the Democrats want for the GOP nominee?
But, who would Hillary or Obama rather face? I'm not sure yet, but I'd love to hear what the Dems are thinking.
January 23, 2008
Sure, the NEA isn't liberal
Who's your second choice?
If you haven't decided who you will support, Stacey Campfield has a quiz to match you with a candidate. However, if that one doesn't suit you, Phil Valentine has one he likes better.
Take the power back from the courts
January 22, 2008
TCPR: Less is More
Drew Johnson in BusinessTN:
Tennessee is one of only five states—along with Florida, South Dakota, Texas and Wyoming—that are both right-to-work and income tax-free. This is an almost sure-fire recipe for a welcoming business climate. Each of the other four states scored in the top-10 in the Fortune Small Business ranking and in the top-6 in the Tax Foundation report.
Why, then, does Tennessee fare worse than the four other right-to-work, income tax-free states? High sales taxes fueled by out-of-control government spending, along with state government's misguided attempts to "help" businesses appear to be to blame.
The donkeys beat a dead horse
Voter data safe in Nashville
January 21, 2008
What about Christmas? MLK Jr. Day?
I expected to see something marking today's national holiday in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr., but the Democrats apparently forgot that too. There's no mention on the party website. They do have a video from their Jackson Day fundraiser held last. In honor of Dr. King's legacy, the TN Republican Party does have an article.
Campfield wants you to call 615-327-9779
What say you?
1. Allowing communities to vote for an elected school superintendent if they want.
2. Allowing state judges to be really voted on not the crappy yes/no vote system.
3 Allow the other positions to be added to this debate for elected state wide office also like comptroller and attorney general or how about revenue commissioner.
After all ""When you elect someone rather than appoint someone, they are more accountable to voters and citizens."
January 20, 2008
New features
What's wrong with this picture?
But why do we need to extend the unemployment benefits? Liberals tells us that we need the illegal aliens because there is a labor shortage. Yet, millions of Americans are living off of welfare and unemployment checks. What's wrong with this picture? Don't discourage hard work and the reward for effort that comes with it. That's why Socialism doesn't work.
What's next Fred?
Second Amendment Rights: No says the Nashville daily
Senator Doug Jackson (D-Dickson) is the sponsor of the Senate bill that will likely be killed in the State House by Speaker Jimmy Naifeh (D-Covington). Senator Jackson notes the importance of this bill:
So, if I go to a restaurant that serves alcohol, is it safer to leave my gun in my car or to carry it so I know where it is at all times? Currently, the law only restricts gun carry by law abiding citizens. If you are in favor of this bill, SB23, contact your legislator and contact State House Speaker Jimmy Naifeh (D-Covington).One of the deadliest shooting rampages in recent history was an incident that occurred in Killeen, Texas.
On that day in 1991, a deranged man carrying an illegal weapon drove his truck into a Luby's Cafeteria, where he opened fire, killing 23 innocent victims and wounding 20 others.Present at the Luby's was a Texas state representative, Suzanna Gratia Hupp. Because the restaurant did not allow guns, Rep. Hupp left her handgun in her vehicle. She watched helplessly as George Hennard executed both of her parents. Such horrific violence may have been prevented had Rep. Hupp been able to carry her handgun and effectively exercise her right to self-defense.
January 17, 2008
$1,000 for every man, woman, and child
Tennessee Democrats: Like a Vegeterian Colonel Sanders, But Making Karl Marx Proud
State Rep. Gerald McCormick sets the record straight regarding Rep. David Hawk's (R-Greeneville) House Bill 9 while correctly asserting that State House Democratic Leader Gary Odom is like Kentucky Fried Chicken, "(H)earing Gary state an aversion to 'pork barrel' spending is about as believable as Colonel Sanders coming out in favor of vegetarianism."
Meanwhile, Kevin Burke takes Gary Odom and Tennessee Democrats to the woodshed:
Are you kidding me? Rep. Odom even says, "The lottery scholarship was never intended to be an academic scholarship; it was intended to be a way to help more Tennesseans get a college education." That's the most ridiculous statement I've ever heard. It's a prime example of how today's Democrats represent the modern Socialist movement. If it's not an academic scholarship, then what is it? Free money?
Crutchfield walks
For his role in Tennessee Waltz including the acceptance of a $3,000 bribe, disgraced former State Senator Ward Crutchfield (D-Chattanooga) gets a $3,000 fine, six months home detention, and two years probation. He will not serve time in a correctional facility. That amounts to an interest free loan of $3,000 for 3 1/2 years.
UPDATE: Couldn't Crutchfield at least have to pay for the legal expenses incurred by the state in prosecuting the case, the court costs, and the cost of a special election?
January 16, 2008
Illegal Alien Invasion Continues
From Capitol Hill . . .
January 15, 2008
$530 million and counting
Currently, the governor or his finance commissioner can get approval from the chairmen of the Senate and House Finance committees to spend funds after lawmakers adjourn for the year, (Casada) said.
“The legislature needs to take a stand against this exorbitant spending out of session,” Casada says in a news release today. “It is in the state Constitution that the elected representatives, and not an appointed committee, are responsible for the purse springs.”
Alexander Works to Protect English
It's hard to believe that employers in the U.S. can be sued if they require their workers to speak English at work. This isn't even an issue about illegal immigration or what you do in the confines of your home. This is about the right of employers to manage their employees and to insure they carry out their duties. What if McDonald's couldn't require its employees to speak English? Granted I've been at fast food restaurants where it was difficult to order because of the employee's lack of English skills. In fact, I was at a Nashville Wendy's where a bilingual friend with me wound up finishing his order in Spanish because the employee behind the cash register could understand that language but not English.
To insure that English remains legal in the workplace, Senator Lamar Alexander is sponsoring legislation to give employers protections. Unfortunately, I'm sure the Liberals in Congress led by Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi will do their best to kill this common sense bill.
Political judges? Say it isn't so.
January 14, 2008
What about the constitutional officers?
Bredesen Doesn't Care What You Think
Gov. Phil Bredesen says he doesn't care what people think about the ballroom he and his wife are building - with taxpayer's money - at the Tennessee governor's mansion.
January 12, 2008
Governor Shows True Liberal Colors
Although not deserved, Governor Bredesen has enjoyed a reputation for being fiscally conservative despite nearly doubling the size of the state budget during his tenure and increasing taxes in a year of a $1.5 billion surplus. Now, Bredesen admits he is a true tax and spend liberal:
"One of the great things about being governor is you get to take taxes away and later give it back and people are happy," Bredesen said. "Is this a great job or what?"
Tip of the hat to Ben Cunningham.
UPDATE: Here's the video:
Sour Grapes, Governor?
In what appears to be a case of sour grapes, Governor Phil Bredesen now wants to elect the office of lieutenant governor. Currently, the lieutenant governor is the speaker of the Senate, elected by a majority of state senators. Following Lt. Governor Ramsey's remarks and vote in opposition to Bredesen's underground party bunker (a massive waste of taxpayer dollars), Bredesen now wants to have the Ramsey's position elected in a statewide race.
January 10, 2008
Bredesen Bunker Moves Forward
Meanwhile, bipartisan opposition to the bunker continues.
January 9, 2008
Democrat and Republican Show Bunker is Wrong
Bunker Update
Democrats: Who needs ethics?
The Tennessee Republican Party is chiding House Speaker Jimmy Naifeh, D-Covington, for his "disdain" of ethics. When reminding his House colleagues on Tuesday that ethics training is mandatory, Naifeh added , "We all voted for that, for some reason."
GOP leaders also took Naifeh to task for extending an excused absence Tuesday and today to Rep. Rob Briley, D-Nashville, who has pleaded guilty to driving under the influence. "Briley's own disdain for ethics and propriety were on full display last year when the married lawmaker had an affair with the lobbyist for the Tennessee Trial Lawyers Association while simultaneously chairing the House Judiciary Committee which was considering high-priority legislation important to the trial lawyers," a Republican news release says.
"Naifeh no doubt will call this a partisan attack, but Republicans believe both parties should take ethics seriously, and we believe the people of Tennessee deserve better than to have a House Speaker who disdains ethics and coddles corrupt lawmakers," GOP spokesman Bill Hobbs said.
January 8, 2008
Have they forgotten Briley, Ford, and Cooper already?
“My members know not to drink and drive,” said Senate Democratic Leader Jim Kyle (D-Memphis). “Individual behavior is the responsibility of the individual senator. These are grown men and women, and they will be held accountable for their actions just like the ones who weren’t here were ultimately held accountable for their actions.”Question for Senator Kyle: Have you forgotten about Senator Cooper's DUI last year? About his wreck while driving drunk? What about Senator Ophelia Ford's drunken antics?
House Majority Leader Gary Odom (D-Nashville) said legislators are “all adults” and they know “what’s right and they know what’s wrong.”Question for Rep. Odom: Remember Rep. Rob Briley? You know. The one that didn't bother to show up for today's first legislative day. The one who drove drunk, hit a car, fled the scene, vandalized a police car, and refuses to give up his seat in the legislature. Meanwhile, he's doing weekends in the Wilson County jail. You think he knows "what's right" and "what's wrong"?
Republicans Support Common Sense Right-to-Life Measures
Republicans Show They Care About Real Tennesseans
Top Ten Signs You Are a Tennessee Republican:10. You question why repeat drunken drivers are still on the road and why Democrats opposed strengthening extreme drunken driver laws to put these guys behind bars.
9. You believe that, in order to ensure our children's education is a top priority, we should fund education before other discretionary state programs.
8. You are startled to learn that Tennessee has the most liberal abortion laws in the nation and would support common-sense restrictions like parental consent for minors and a waiting period.
7. You believe simply that to vote in our sacred elections, you should have to be a citizen of this country and are dismayed to learn that Democrats killed this common-sense law twice.
6. You support reasonable limitations to frivolous lawsuits, ultimately saving us all in escalating health-care costs.
5. You are appalled at the brazen spending spree of Tennessee's Democratic governor, who last year raised taxes $330 million in a year when we received more than $1.5 billion in surplus revenues.
4. You believe that the driver's license test should be given in English only since you will be expected to read road signs written in English.
3. You find it hypocritical that the state will sit on more than $140 million in excess lottery reserves that are supposed to go for education, but won't spend it on K-12 school construction.
2. You think Tennessee's having the highest sales tax on food in the nation is wrong and that we should help families by cutting the grocery tax.
1. You oppose a new statewide property tax and a state income tax!
January 7, 2008
Income tax rearing its head again?
Other points of partisan contention will include taxes, with Republicans pushing to lower the state sales tax. Democrats, Naifeh said, have some reservations in a year when the budget is tight and the economy is stalling. "I'd like to see how to replace that with a stable source of income," he said. [Emphasis added.]Any long time follower of Tennessee politics will know that "a stable source of income" is Democratic code for a state income tax. Bill Hobbs has more.
January 6, 2008
Tennessee Democrats Show Support for Abortion on Demand
What are your thoughts? What about Gray's political logic? If an issue is divisive, does that mean it's not worth fighting for? (Thanks to, you can see the whole discussion here.)